Saturday, April 28, 2012

Took a bite out of the big apple!

I never thought I would someday end up going to New York City.  I guess you could say it was one of the places I wanted to see but I'm not much of a city girl.  The beach is more my style.  It was nice having the opportunity to go there even though it was only for a day.  It wasn't something I had planned, I ended up going to a Convention in New Jersey so on the way back, my friends and I decided we might as well cross over to New York since it wasn't too far away.  It was so weird seeing all the buildings and how many there were.  We ended up driving around for a bit and decided to take a stroll around Times Square and Manchester. 

We visited ground zero and it was crazy that I was at the exact spot it all happened.  It was definitely something I wouldn't forget.  I didn't get to see the Statue of Liberty, only from a distance which was disappointing.  Regardless, walking around in the busy city and experiencing it for the first time was memorable.  But, I still enjoyed the beach and palm trees more.  I love fashion and I know that New York is the top city for that so that was also enjoyable.  If only I had more time to experience all of New York I would of liked it better.  We only got to sight see since we didn't have much time but it was still fun and I'm glad I got to at least see what it was like.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

welcome to hollywood, baby

The one state I wanted to visit forever, and it finally happened! It was the Summer of August in 2011.  I had a blast and it was amazing there! I fell in love with Laguna Beach it's one of my new favorite places.

Everything about California was breathtaking to me.  I ended up visiting Los Angeles, Huntington Beach, Laguna Beach, Newport Beach, and Venice Beach.  Every place I went to had something I enjoyed.  Whether it was the view, people, food, or atmosphere it felt like I had to live there.  I love the whole surfer style so that made California even better through my eyes.  I'm kinda bummed I didn't get to try surfing while i was there due to back problems but I'm going back and that's one of the first things I'm doing!

I met new friends there too and they were fun to hang out with and they took me to as many places as they could while I was in town.  When the day came that I had to go back home, I was so upset.  I felt like California was going to be my future home someday.  I haven't been back since, but I plan on moving there after I get my Bachelor's degree hopefully this year.  The place I want to live there would be Laguna Beach, there were no other places like it.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

first vacation as an 18 year old!

The first trip I ever took outside Michigan was in Clearwater Beach, Florida.  I remember it like it was yesterday. It was on my spring break from high school.  I was so excited to finally leave the state and embark on an adventure with a few of my close friends.

As soon as we landed I knew it was completely different from Michigan.  The palm trees were amazing! When we finally got to the beach, I was so happy to finally see the ocean. I quickly ran in to get a feel for the water. I knew that from that point, I had to live somewhere where there was a beach.  The view, the feel, the smell, everything about the beach was incredible.  We spent everyday on the beach since our hotel was right by the water.  I never wanted to be inside, Clearwater Beach was too nice to not take advantage of.  Sadly, we were only there for a week and the week flew by and before I knew it, it was time to head back home.  I ended up bringing the sunshine back with me and I was already missing the ocean. I knew in my mind that it wasn't going to be the last time I visited Florida.