Sunday, May 20, 2012

14 year reunion!

So after about 14 years I finally got to go back "home" to my parent's country where they were born.  I'm talking about Macedonia.  Now most people have no idea what it is or where it is, but if you look on the map of Europe you can find it right next to Greece.  It was weird being back but I was amazed at how much I remembered even though a lot of things changed.  I mean I was only about 8 years old at the time of my last visit.  So here, a majority of my family lives.  I'm talking about aunts, uncles, cousins galore, and so on.  It was so weird seeing them after that many years, it felt like meeting strangers.  I almost didn't even remember how everyone looked like either and of course they didn't recognize me either. There's not much to do in Macedonia besides climb the mountains and go out in the city/town.

 I ended up climbing a waterfall on the mountain which was really cool because I love waterfalls!  There were a lot of nice places to visit there such as Ohrid.  Ohrid is a "beach" like city that's by the water and has really nice views.  Its also kind of like a small town where you can go shopping and eat at restaurants.

When you see other cities compared to Ohrid, you don't even think your still in Macedonia that's how different it is from the rest.  Its definitely a tourist place because you see different kinds of people everywhere.  Also, at night time there was a bar/clubbing scene just like anywhere else you go to.  The cool thing about their bars and clubs was that they were overlooking the water which I absolutely loved!  I was supposed to drive over to Greece since it was so close but never got a chance to.  It's definitely on my list of places I want to visit though!  But, I was so glad I got to come back to visit my family after so many years, it felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders.


  1. Macedonia looks like a great place to visit! My husbands family is from Greece so I hope we will be able to go there one day!

    1. That's so close to Macedonia lol and its one of my places I have yet to visit.

  2. Diana, Macedonia looks so beautiful. I hope to travel one day to all these different places. My son has had the opportunity to go to London for a week with his school this past New Year and he is going to Germany for two weeks with his German class next month. I so proud that he can view the other beauties of the world. Traveling is a must for everyone to have that experience of other cultures.

    1. That's awesome! I have yet to visit London that's on my list :) and I agree traveling is a must, the world is such a beautiful place :D

  3. Diana, Macedonia is so beautiful and it is such an experience to be able to travel the different countries of the world and to see the beauty and culture. My son was able to go to London for a week this past New Year's and he's going to Germany with his class for two weeks next month. I'm glad he has these opportunities and I can't wait to be able to do the same.

  4. Diana, Macedonia is so beautiful and is such a great opportunity to be able to travel. I too hope to be able to view the different beauties of the world and cultures. My son has already been to London and is going to Germany for two weeks next month.
